Friday, August 10, 2012

Empowering yourself and having good thinking patterns

A quote to ponder on today while doing your yoga practice; "If you think you can or you think you can't either way you are right." Henry ford.

This quote truly does make you realise that you are what you think. If you say “I’m depressed”, you will be depressed. It’s all in how you word things. Simple changes, for example, instead of “I’m depressed” try saying, “I’m feeling a bit depressed today” that way your being true to your feelings but aren’t associated the feelings with who you are. To go a step further, you would follow this statement up with something along the lines of, “but that’s alright because tomorrow is another day and I’ll wake up feeling better”.

Simple things like rephrasing your words in your everyday life can make a big difference to your mental health. “Think before you speak”.

Before bed every night and/or every morning, look into a mirror and repeat the mantra “I am beautiful/handsome, strong and smart”, three times over, either out-loud or in your head. It might feel strange at first and you might not be able to bring yourself to say it, but this is just your ego fighting with what it believes to be “normal”.

Doing this will build confidence in yourself, and soon you will be saying it proudly, with a smile on your face and your chin up high.

Going outside at times can feel like a difficult task, but by overcoming your fears and by forcing yourself to go out everyday even if for a short time will make you feel better. The feeling of “I’ve got nothing to do” can lead you to feeling depressed, but see the beauty in your world and stop thinking about what others will think of you having nothing to do. No ones looking at you and know one cares if you are just wondering around - only yourself does – so stop having negative thoughts which judge yourself.

The thought of “all eyes being on yourself” is actually your mind looking at you. I discovered this one day standing at my apartment window, afraid even terrified that in the opposite building to mine everyone was staring at me. I was adamant they were (even though I couldn’t see anyone), so much so, I hardly ever had the curtains open. However, it hit me, I realised that I was those people looking at me from the building across from mine. I was those people judging me. I learnt to love myself after this.

Walking down a busy street, do you feel invisible and small? Force your body to keep your shoulders back (which feels extremely unnatural if you slant lots and possibly awkward). But maintain this, having your head upright as well; make sure you keep your eyes focused straight ahead of you. Practice this every time and you will feel great. If you have a habit of putting your head down and looking at the ground every time you walk past someone, change this, and pretend no one is going past you and maintain what I’ve said. You will feel bigger and more powerful within yourself. 

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